Our success rate is between 87-90% and we see remarkable results in our patients
We are having very good success with the equipment. Our success rate is between 87-90% and we see remarkable results in our patients. The equipment is easy to operate does not take up more space than a small computer desk. The clients find it quite comfortable and enjoy their quiet time while they are being treated. We only have one center right now but are in the middle of planning to set up a new second clinic in a more populated area with a couple of systems. The Curatron folks have been an absolute wonderful advisory source while we got used to the equipment and the proper way of using the equipment with the different clients and their problems. They do not just sell you the equipment and leave you high and dry but they are very supportive and helpful.
The equipment works extremely well with lower back pain, OA and sciatic problems. I highly recommend the Curatron, we would not consider opening up our other centers with any other equipment than Curatron.
Curatron 2000 PC and Curatron 2000 3D for PEMF clinical use.
Sheila Hatfield. R.N.