513-885-0440 [email protected]
Curatron PEMF and Lyme Disease

Curatron PEMF and Lyme Disease


What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is an infection caused by a spirochete (say “SPY-ROH-KEET”) that humans can get from the bite of an infected deer tick. The spirochete’s scientific name is Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme disease is called “The Great Imitator” because its symptoms mimic many other diseases. It can affect any organ of the body, including the brain and nervous system, muscles and joints, and the heart.

The Curatron system will not cure Lyme Disease, however, it can help considerably with the treatment of the symptoms such as pain and inflammation. What we can say is that the effects of the Curatron 2000 Family will place the body in a better place in terms of blood oxygenation, reduction of toxins allowing the body to hopefully heal itself.

Lyme Disease patients who are affected by wandering pain can also experience very quick pain relief using our FLASH PEMF System.

The FLASH System is a different kind of PEMF.

People usually get Lyme disease from ticks infected with Lyme spirochetes. Most human cases are caused by the nymphal, or immature, form of the tick. Nymphs are about the size of a poppy seed. Because their bite is painless, many people do not realize they have been bitten.

About Ticks

Ticks are tiny crawling bugs in the spider family that feed by sucking blood from animals. If the animal is carrying Lyme disease spirochetes, the tick sucks them up as it feeds and they multiply in the tick’s gut. The tick may then transfer them into the next animal it feeds on.

Where Do Ticks Live?

Tick density is linked to local micro-climate, flora, and fauna and can vary dramatically from one spot to another even within a single yard. Density and infection rates also vary from year to year in a single location.

Ticks prefer humid environments. Adult ticks climb up grasses and bushes on the edges of trails to wait for an animal to pass by. In hot, dry weather they are less active. Immature ticks are often found in leaf litter under oak trees. Nymphs may climb up onto downed logs.

What about PEMF? How can it help?

PEMF Systems do not cure Lyme disease but the Curatron can help reduce the effect of the symptoms such as pain and swelling. Anecdotally, we hear from time to time how high power of the Curaton systems can reduce swelling and pain, improve circulation in the soft tissue around an inflammation and reduce the symptomatic challenges.

Here are a couple of links you may find useful to read about PEMF and Lyme Disease.

Technical Excellence and Reliability

Technical Excellence and Reliability

As a person involved with the electronics and medical business for over forty years. I have never, yes NEVER, come across a product with the reliability and performance of the Curatron. For over fifteen years, Amjo has represented Curatronic Systems. In that period of time I have seen fewer than perhaps five equipment failures. That level of reliability simply does not exist in other electronic devices and each of these problems was dealt with immediately and I don’t believe that any of our customers was without their Curatron for more than a week.

If one adds to this remarkable reliability record, I can add that fewer than five systems have been returned to Amjo because of a customer’s satisfaction. The Curatron always meets or exceeds our customer’s expectations.

If you need help, then we are always here.

Plantar Fasciitis is just plain painful (Healing the Heel)

Plantar Fasciitis is just plain painful (Healing the Heel)

This tale is a little old in that I contracted Plantar Fasciitis one day and learned how important my feet are when I’m trying to walk. Up and down stairs was no problem because I could sit on my butt and transfer myself to the next step one at a time. It was a little slow and bumpy but it works. On the other hand, or perhaps the other foot, walking was virtually impossible.

I did manage to get to a chiropodist, foot doctor or podiatrist, whatever the proper name should be. I received a cortisone injection and a suggestion that I roll my foot on a frozen drink bottle. The frozen drink thing actually helped but its effects were short lived.

I am a bit scatterbrained once in a while, because finally, I remembered that I sold Curatron PEMF systems at www.curatron.com 

I did happen to own a Curatron 2000 XP and High Energy Coil “A” This combination would provide a 450 Gauss level of magnetic flux density. The results were amazing, within two to three days, I was walking well and within two weeks my foot was essentially normal again. This experience was over ten years ago and I have never had a recurrence. I doubt if everyone would have the same experience. We have sold systems to folks with Plantar Fasciitis over the years and they all had a similar experience to the one I had.


Shoulders, Rotator Cuffs, Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving

“I liked the shaver so much, I bought the company” (( The words of Victor Kiam when he bought Remington Products ))

In my case, “I liked the Curatron 2000 XP with the “A” Coil so much that I went out and bought myself a “B” Coil.

Canadian Thanksgiving Flag

Yeah, That’s me the author of this post and a co-owner of Amjo. It was October 11, 2011, this was day 283 of 2011.

It was Columbus Day and it was also Thanksgiving Day in Canada. Why do I mention that? Well I’m a Canuck and Cheryl and I went to Columbus on Columbus Day, which in itself seems ironic. We really went to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with our daughters, Jody the one who lives in Columbus (She’s the JO part of our company name. Our other daughter Amy and family were also visiting from their home near Cleveland. (Amy is the AM part of our company name). If you’re curious then you can learn a little more about AMJO (( Amjo Corp is our Small Business based near Cincinnati Ohio. Amjo Corp opened its doors in May of 1998 )) at www.amjo.net.


Customer referrals are the best sales!

Curatron 2000 XP with Pad

Curatron 2000 XP with Pad

In the last two weeks, we’ve sold a couple of systems to folks with Fibromyalgia and it’s gratifying that both of the sales come from referrals. In one case, the customer had actually borrowed a system we sold last year to a person suffering from neurosarcoiditis and rheumatoid arthritis. After eleven treatments with her friend’s Curatron 2000 HT, she called and ordered one for herself.

A Satisfied Customer – Perhaps the world is better Flat!

A Satisfied Customer – Perhaps the world is better Flat!

Magnetotron (Circa 1974)

Magnetotron (Circa 1974)

Sometime ago I was reading a letter from a satisfied Curatron customer who had upgraded from an older technology PEMF machine called the Magnetotron. I was amazed to find out that this device may still be in production. There are and have been several machines over the years that require the user to sit inside a coil rather than on a simple flat pad or mattress. These arcane devices are difficult to use and tend to generate weak magnic fields.